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Baby D’s Little Brother, Baby D #2

Baby D’s Little Brother, Baby D #2

Baby Boy B’s first week on the planet

Baby Boy B’s first week on the planet

Baby Girl D’s 6 Month Portrait

Baby Girl D’s 6 Month Portrait

Little Miss A.

Little Miss A.

Cool Dude F. – 4 year old preschooler

This guy puts the oo in Cool.  I’m really digging his “blue steel” look that he’s perfected. Ben Still would be proud.

Cool Dude F. – 4 year old preschooler

Hollie’s Retro Pin-up Shoot

Gotta love the Glory roll.  Total retro kitsch, and tons of fun. “Oops, I forgot to wear my undies! Oh well.”

Hollie’s Retro Pin-up Shoot

S’s Boudoir Shoot

Funny thing is, she’s not that young, but in these photos, she was sweet and sexy. And the sweet makes her look like an early-blooming 14 year old!

S’s Boudoir Shoot

Z’s Boudoir

Yes, she’s young and has a flat stomach.  Don’t hate.  Most of us did, but we didn’t think to photograph it before we had kids.  I encourage younger ladies to take boudoir photography of themselves – not anything that’d get you kicked out of the Miss America Pageant, but something that encapsulates that moment in time. Life is constantly changing, and it’s a lot easier to let go of the past when your mind feels it has to hold on to something that won’t exist without you obsessing on it.  As in, “if I don’t constantly lament that I used to have a flat stomach, it’s as if it never happened.” LOL.  Take a picture.  Forget about it. Move on.  And later, every now and then, you’ll happen across that boudoir book you made and look at it with nostalgia.  You’ll smile, put it back on the shelf and forget it exists, until the next time you’re moving, or cleaning, or pruning and it’ll give you pleasure again and again – in the most healthy way possible.  Proof of your existence.


Z’s Boudoir

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Protected: Green Family Proofing with Filenames

Captain America’s Halloween

Captain America’s Halloween

Halloween Baby in Plaid

Halloween Baby in Plaid

4 year old’s Headshots – Pt.2

These galleries load slowly if you stuff them full of photos, and this session with this beautiful 4 year old had so many “winners”, that I had to split hers into two.  She’s a gorgeous girl, with beautiful eyes.  I’m not a blue-eye worshipper – I tend to find big brown eyes quite compelling –  but her baby blues are particularly captivating. LOL.

4 year old’s Headshots – Pt.2

Miss A.

Miss A.

Preschool Child Model Headshots

Preschool Child Model Headshots

Fire Marshall Finn

His brother is the cutie in the blue, leopard print cowboy hat, dressed like  what I call, a disco sheriff. His mom is a great lady and let’s the boys express themselves, so if he wants a blue leopard cowboy hat for Halloween, so be it. Good for her. You’re only a kid once.

Finn here, chose something a little more traditional, as a pint-sized firefighter, for his Halloween photo shoot.

Fire Marshall Finn

9 Day Old Baby Boy

9 Day Old Baby Boy

Halloween with the disco cowboy

This little feller is half of a hilarious sibling duo.  He and is brother, who you’ll see in his own post as a firefighter, are serious crack-ups when they are together.  His mom let him pick out his own outfit, thus the blue flair there.  LOL.  She’s so encouraging of her kids – I can’t wait to see what they’ll turn out to be when they are older.

Halloween with the disco cowboy

Beth’s pinup session

Who’d ever guess that being this sexy could be funny? I made Beth hoot a couple of times, which isn’t that conducive to looking sexy, but plenty conducive to having a grand time.

Beth’s pinup session

McKenzie’s Secret

McKenzie is a star.  The pictures look lovely, but if you could’ve seen her in motion?  A thing of beauty. Every now and then I get to photograph a model or an actress and they just go for it with little direction on my part: they’ve got this.  We were aiming for sensual, but leaving things still to the imagination.

McKenzie’s Secret

Alice in Boudoir-land

Alice in Boudoir-land

Jimenez Family

There were so many good photos from this photo session, I’ve had a hard time figuring out which were portfolio worthy.  You can see some of the outtakes here in my blog.

Jimenez Family

4th of July Pinup

4th of July Pinup

9 Day Old Newborn Girl

Parents ask me what they should put on their newborn.  I usually reply nothing. (See my newborn what-to-wear FAQ here.)  Newborns usually get swallowed up in a bunch of clothing. They are so cute on their own that they need little adornment other than a hat or some accessory.  It’s better to be able to remember the baby fat rolls on their thighs, or the flaky skin on a foot, or a temporary birthmark on their little behind, than the outfit that Aunt Rosemary bought you.  You can take a snapshot of that and send it to her.  So I advise that you show it all, or at least most of it.  it’s pretty much the only time in your life where it’s totally acceptable to be nude, so why not?

This little week and a half-old newborn wasn’t a preemie, so she was nice and plumped out.  She wore a cute diaper cover and an owl hat in her other shoot, but we did a wardrobe/scene change and took some natural photos of her near a window, lying on some velvety material on her mommy’s lap, wearing nothing but her birthday suit.  She looks quite content, too.

Alternate view

9 Day Old Newborn Girl

Baby A’s 1st Birthday Shoot

Little Baby Ava had her first birthday. She’s a sweet little girl who lives in our Valley Glen neighbohood. I’ve known her since she was born.  Having all boys, it’s been nice to watch a little baby turn into a little girl. More outtake photos can be found in my blog here.

Baby A’s 1st Birthday Shoot

14 day old newborn boy

This was my first African-American newborn, other than my own. LOL. He wasn’t as fat as the pictures would suggest – gravity does wonders on someone who is totally knocked out, and boy was he! Little boy H. was so great – he slept the entire time! I love his little round belly – I’ve nicknamed him the Velveteen Buddha. What a champ!

14 day old newborn boy

Easter with Brothers

These boys, age 3 and almost 5 have the sort of relationship that I hope my sons keep forever. They are best buds and it was hard to get any serious shots in with all the joking and laughing going on. The 3 year is a serious joker and made plenty of funny faces. I made mommy jump in on a shot or two as proof of her existence.

Easter with Brothers

Newborn Baby S.

This 9 day-old baby was plenty alert during our shoot.  Smart baby!

Newborn Baby S.

New sheriff in town: Part 1

And his name is Phoenix.  This cutie was a sheriff for Halloween. Luckily he didn’t rule with an iron fist.  In fact he was quite easygoing and fun to photograph. This was his 1st photo session with me, from my Halloween mini-sessions, but it wouldn’t be my last. This is part the first half of his twenty-minute, mini-session shoot.


New sheriff in town: Part 1

New sheriff in town – part 2

And his name is Phoenix.  This cutie was a sheriff for Halloween. Luckily he didn’t rule with an iron fist.  In fact he was quite easygoing and fun to photograph. This was his 1st photo session with me, from my Halloween mini-sessions, but it wouldn’t be my last. This is part two of his shoot – his parents wanted some slightly more all-purpose shots as well as the traditional Halloween shots.

New sheriff in town – part 2

Xmas with a Family of 3

Christmas in LA doesn’t give you any snow, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have the holiday spirit.  Here’s one family getting merry in the sunshine.

Xmas with a Family of 3

Mini Family Shoot – Again

While updating this new website, I started to get a bit self-conscious that there were a whole lot of repeat families.  Until I realized that’s a good thing.  It might make for a homogenous portfolio, but it means that people are trusting me with helping to document the absolutely most precious, most fleeting time of their lives.  And with children so young, you have to catch them often, because they change drastically ever three or four months.  Here’s one of my favorite repeat families.  Their kids will never complain of having an undocumented childhood!

Mini Family Shoot – Again

Baby C.

I also do birth photography.   I had the pleasure of witnessing and photographing Baby C’s entrance to this world. Her mom spontaneously decided in labor to forgo the epidural.  I was a little wary, but boy was she a champ.  The baby was out so quickly, and shooting a child’s birth is more like sports photography than portrait photography.  Got a killer shot of her head crowning, all while remaining inconspicuously in the corner, out of the way of the people doing the real work.  Mom told me she forgot that I was in the room, which made me feel good – it was what I was aiming for. It’s such an intimate, awesome experience that I didn’t want to intrude, and I was just so humbled by the privilege of witnessing another soul entering the world. What a blessing!  And everytime I look at her now, I remember her first cry. She’s a long way from there now. 🙂

Baby C.

Flowing Maternity

Flowing Maternity

Sarah’s Family Maternity Photos

Sarah’s Family Maternity Photos

Party of Four

The last time I’d photographed this particular family was at the birth of their 2nd baby girl, C.  Here she is, all plumped up and part of the family.

Party of Four

Baby Shower Decorations

If you’d like to have photos of your baby shower to add to your pregnancy memories and scrapbooks, please contact me.

Baby Shower Decorations

Family fun in the Fall

This was my third time photographing this family.  The mom was always so good about picking out extra-great clothing for her son, and I was sad to see them go.  She contacted me for this shoot, specifically, being they were moving out of state and she wanted to get a whole family portrait (I usually just shoot the baby boy) before they left. I’ve kept in touch and heard she has a little daughter now. I’ll bet she’s a gorgeous little thing. Who knows, maybe they’ll move back!

Family fun in the Fall

Music Publicity shots for DJ T.

Music Publicity shots for DJ T.

The Mad Princess

Princess Maddie gives us some attitude…

The Mad Princess

Easter Photos

Spring has sprung here in Los Angeles. Just in time for Easter, we’ve got sunny skies and lovely climes.  I got to photograph one of my favorite girls that I’ve photographed repeated.  She is consistently a joy and has a good concept of how she wants to look in her pictures, even at the tender age 4. I didn’t catch on to that trick until my twenties! I guess she’s just a natural.

Easter Photos

Studio City Coop Preschool

I created an event flyer and banner for a local coop preschool in Studio City.  The theme was County Fair, so I went for something midway between carnival and circus.


Studio City Coop Preschool

Mother and Son

{ Westlake Family Photographer }

Moms are rarely in the picture.  We our always behind the camera, whether it be a cell phone camera, a point and shoot or a DSLR.  I was just so awestruck by these pictures of Tammi and her son, that I had to showcase them separately from the rest of that shoot. Also, if you get a chance, here’s an interesting article by Allison Tate in Huffington Post Parents about why it’s important for mothers to include themselves in the documenting of their kid’s childhood.

Mother and Son

Lauren’s Family Maternity Photoshoot

Lauren’s Family Maternity Photoshoot

Prop Gallery Portfolio Item Pics

I’ve got so much prop stuff, it’s hard to photograph it all.  So I won’t.  Be here are some of my larger faves.  And at some point, I may at links at the bottom of the page to specific shoots and indicate which items were mine and not the family’s stuff.  It probably is more useful that way, to see the prop on someone rather than a lifeless, misshapen piece of fabric lying on a table. LOL.

Prop Gallery Portfolio Item Pics

50th Birthday Surprise Party

{ Woodland Hills Live Event Photographer }

The birthday boy had no idea where he was going or why, and got stuck in traffic on the 405 freeway!  But once he showed up, the party really got started, and a good time was had by all.  The food was scrumptious, by the way.

50th Birthday Surprise Party

Meet Baby D.

This was my first time meeting this cutie. He was about 6 months old, but I’ve since photographed him at least twice more.

To see this item as a regular page, with Pinterest and Facebook share buttons, click here

Meet Baby D.

1 Year old Cake Smash

This was my second occasion photographing little Baby D. He’s a naturally adorable, very smiley boy. He was decidedly less crawly than he was the first time I shot with him.  He wasn’t hard to keep “on set” but we did have one little unforeseen snafu:  he’s naturally clean.  He did not like getting his hands dirty, which is a major problem during a cake-smash themed shoot!  He stuck his hand in the icing once and that was it.  But the photos came out fabulous just the same.

1 Year old Cake Smash

Buena Vista Social Club, Baby!

{ Valley Glen Baby Photographer }
Close, but no cigars for this lil’ fella. He’s only 6 months old, but he sure does love that Havana style!

Buena Vista Social Club, Baby!

Tween and Teen sisters

Tween and Teen sisters

Asher’s Headshot

Kids headshots aren’t held to the same standards as adults. As a matter of fact, they have opposite rules: don’t retouch and the more natural looking the better.  So the fact that kids are so much harder to catch standing still to photograph is offset by the fact that minimum post-processing has to be done.  So, by the end, headshots are a pretty equal endeavor, regardless of age.

Asher’s Headshot

Myles’ 2 1/2 Year Headshots

{ Agoura Child Headshot Photographer}

Myles is lucky enough to have a mom photographer who can update his headshots as his look changes, which for toddlers and below, is about every 3 months. Here he was at age 2 1/2. I think he’s handsome, but he’s my kid – I can’t be objective, so you  be the judge. 🙂 The last shot is just for fun, but I love it. Howdy!

Myles’ 2 1/2 Year Headshots

Mother and Daughters

{ Pasadena Family Photographer }

Mother and Daughters

Sarah’s Glam Maternity Photos

Who says pregnant isn’t sexy? There’s nothing more powerful than a woman at the height of her womanhood. Watch for her pregnancy glow.

Sarah’s Glam Maternity Photos

Kim’s Family Maternity Shoot

{ Glendale Family & Maternity Photographer }

Kim’s Family Maternity Shoot

14 Day Old Baby O. – Part 2

{ Tujunga Village Baby Photographer }

Baby girl O. demanded a wardrobe change. All of these photos were taken at her home in Tujunga Village, a quaint little area situated between North Hollywood and Studio City. This was towards the end of our shoot, so you’ll catch her yawning in the last shot!  Adorable!

14 Day Old Baby O. – Part 2

14 day old Baby O. Part 1

{Tujunga Village Newborn Photographer } 14 days is usually about the cutoff point of when most photographers will be hesitant to photograph a newborn.  After that, they are more awake, but not happy-awake.  Luckily for me, little O was a darling and slept for most of our shoot.


14 day old Baby O. Part 1

Phoenix’s New Headshots

{ North Hollywood Baby Photographer }

Children need casual headshots often!  Anyone under the age of 2 could use new headshots as soon as every 3 months.  This is my second shoot with Phoenix, but our 1st of 4 sessions in our Lil’ Actors Package. He is 18 months old in these shots and a moving target for the whole shoot!

Phoenix’s New Headshots

Family Xmas Photos

Family Xmas Photos

Baby O, 1 year later

Baby O, 1 year later

Westlake Family Xmas

Most family shoots end up serving a few purposes. This shoot was a general family portrait, but it was close enough to Christmas time that we did double duty and shot photos for Xmas cards.  Here are some of my favorites from our shoot at Westlake Lake. That sounds redundant, huh?

Westlake Family Xmas

A Christmas Reverie

My most popular theme photo to date. A friend called it Christmas magic. This was the 2nd time I got a chance to photograph this beautiful, beautiful boy. Logan was a great subject for this fantasy rendition of a meeting with Santa.  My not so plump (nor jolly) husband stood in as Kris Kringle while I fired away.  His mom sat in front of us, jingling keys and doodads at him, like her life depended on it, to help keep his eyes my way.  In the end, his favorite song from the movie “Rio” got him in a great and cooperative mood.

A Christmas Reverie