Baby C.

I also do birth photography.   I had the pleasure of witnessing and photographing Baby C’s entrance to this world. Her mom spontaneously decided in labor to forgo the epidural.  I was a little wary, but boy was she a champ.  The baby was out so quickly, and shooting a child’s birth is more like sports photography than portrait photography.  Got a killer shot of her head crowning, all while remaining inconspicuously in the corner, out of the way of the people doing the real work.  Mom told me she forgot that I was in the room, which made me feel good – it was what I was aiming for. It’s such an intimate, awesome experience that I didn’t want to intrude, and I was just so humbled by the privilege of witnessing another soul entering the world. What a blessing!  And everytime I look at her now, I remember her first cry. She’s a long way from there now. 🙂